Online Giving

Thank you for considering giving to Lookout Mountain Community Church. We value your gift, and we believe that God has called us to have your gift become a part of God’s mission in this world as we seek to see Jesus completely change people’s lives through authentic relationship.
Please also keep in mind that your gift will incur a charge from Breeze Church Management who we use to offer this option, based on the following breakdown: Credit/Debit Cards: 2.9% + $0.30/transaction Bank Transfer (ACH): 1% + $0.25/transaction.
As you give, please consider adding the transaction fee to your gift to help us offset the expense in order that more of your funds might participate with God with what the Holy Spirit is up to in our midst and in God’s mission.
Giving with Zelle
If your bank supports Zelle, you can give by using LMCC’s Zelle username: